Short and Sweet

Church was awesome today. And dare I say, it wasn’t really because of the service. I mean, what I saw and heard was great, but it was joined with another church from town and there were so many babies! So many beautifully distracting babies 🙂 I left my spot at one point to go use the washroom and ran into one of my favorite babies. So I chatted and cooed until she fell asleep in her mothers arms. Forgetting my need for the bathroom altogether, I went back into the service. Not many minutes later, I remembered my purpose for leaving originally. I headed out a second time to take care of business, but didn’t make it past the mailboxes. A beautiful little baby girl was sitting in the foyer with her daddy. Apparently she’s a little too chatty for being in the service. I know about that. I have a pretty chatty one myself. I was completely smitten with her, as she was very mild mannered, and came to me without any fuss or hesitation. I held her and became acquainted for quite some time, and all of a sudden, I heard the closing song. So I inadvertently skipped church, but for such great reasons. Little babies. Short and sweet.

After church we headed to my parents and had lunch, like almost every other Sunday. Dekker was down asleep at about 12:30. My mom and I decided to ditch the boys and head to Saskatoon to run just a couple of errands together. We took a nice break and had some Starbucks together. Hear me say this now: LAYERED caramel frappuccino! Felt like such a nice girl date. My mom is short and sweet 😀

I don’t have a lot of Dekker-free time and while I adore my son completely, I think every parent understands the freedom in just a little bit of baby freedom. Just short and sweet.


Often, reading your blog is like a truly fine drink of unchlorinated, unflouridated, perfectly cool water. Think REFRESHING. I often feel like I should be able to pay somewhere when I’m done!

mama jeanne

Girl dates are such a treat! Speaking of treats thanks for the spiffy iced tea. You’re a doll Hailey. Let’s do it again some time 🙂 ♥