Waverly’s Day

I won’t lie. Yesterday was a lot rockier than I wish it had been. I wanted Wavy to have a light, restful day of play. Unfortunately it was actually a rough go, where no one had slept very well and woke up grumpy as all get out. We were SO happy to have my mom drive out to join us for the day, and she made it a lot sweeter and very extra special!

The morning was spent on the beach in the blistering heat. Lots of tantrums and struggle, but Wavy sat out on the dock, as she tends to do, most of the morning. Sometimes she has friends with her. Sometimes she doesn’t. She’s very content either way. Meanwhile, the other kids dug in the sand, made “lakes” just beyond the lake, kayaked, had water fights, and other, more rude, verbal fights. It was a solid mix, haha!

We had a snacky lunch and a grossly unsuccessful quiet time, which maybe wouldn’t be as big of a deal except that everyone was overtired and overstimulated and all that good stuff that is eased by rest. Whatever! On we rolled!

Wavy, while she didn’t sleep, was in better shape after our nap time, and back to the beach we went! When we came back, it was time for her requested supper – pancakes. We had plans to make them in bush pie irons over the fire, but since a fire ban was set in place that very day, we rather did them in a pan on the barbecue, which worked great. Everyone was happy with that!

At the end of the day, mom pulled out the cupcakes she had baked for Wavy. We sang for her, and she blew out her three candles in ONE try!! We ate our cupcakes, and then loaded up in the golf cart to drive around and share them with some other people around here!

A lovely idea when everyone cooperates. Its extra tricky when they don’t :/ And unfortunately, they did not. That whole scene ended unceremoniously with screaming and fighting and everything being a mess. But I was granted the opportunity to take her out, just she and I, and find some friends to share her birthday with.

I’ll show you more pictures when I get home. I know that seems mean, lol, but I’m short on data and have zero wifi out here, so this one, my FAVOURITE one, will have to do 💜

I am SO grateful for our Waverly. SO grateful for a husband who took on the struggly kids while I took Wavy out. SO grateful for my mom making cupcakes. SO grateful for the people who participated, thanked Wavy for cupcakes, and sang to her. She felt like a rockstar. And now, she is a three year old rockstar.

Except that we all know she’s actually an adult who works for the government. No one is THAT together THAT young.