Wing Night

Yesterday, we had the pleasure of joining many of the people in and around Kinasao for a wing night! For a small cost, they offered a huge plate of fresh wings, coleslaw, potato salad, and beans. Brady and I were eager to get in on it, but most of our kids were not excited, because they don’t know good things. Lol! However, Brady, Dekker, and I know whats up. So the others ate peanut butter and jam sandwiches, and the three of us went for wings.

I can’t express to you how nice it was. It felt like there was some normalcy for a minute. It was all done safely and by the Covid guidelines, not to worry. We met a lot of people, and chatted for a nice long while. Sometimes our kids would filter by, but most of the time they just played at the playground.

Dekker, on the other hand, ate fifteen wings.


He just kept on going, he loved them SO much! He ate his two scoops of beans, and his potato salad, and drank two cups of juice. He had a full chicken grease beard by the end, because he is a shamelessly messy eater. But that man ENJOYED his food and it showed!!

After all was said and done, Dekker told me he really hopes he can go to “chicken night” again next summer. I’m pretty confident we can make that happen 😉 It was a great success!

I am so grateful we landed here the way we did 💜 This site was a total gift from God last summer. We knew it then, but didn’t understand why we were being blessed this way. We get it now, Lord. We are so thankful for this home away from home in this season of our lives.