Waverly’s Words

I keep wanting to make a post of all the things Waverly is saying these days. She has SO MUCH to say! Never before have I had a kid who is talking “enough” to satisfy the verbal standard set by public health at 18 months. In all fairness, she’s about 20 months now, but thats basically the same. And she says EVERYTHING. 

She calls everyone in her family by name.

She knows all of the greetings. Hi, hello, bye, ni-night, etc. 

She speaks lots of short sentences. 

She says please and thank you.

I’m running. I’m dancing. I want that. I don’t want that. More, please. Up, please. Help, please. All done. I wear that. 

When she farts, she announces “Poop.” That might be my favorite. 

Her vocabulary is too long to really list, but to name a few: Happy. Puppy. Dance. Cow. Boots. Milk. Car. Zoom. Go. Lunch. Diaper. Pony. Book. Bum. Phone. Ducky. Runnin’. Treat. See. Sit. Watch. Mine. Hat. The list goes on and on.

The best thing about Waverly’s language is that she is neck deep in the mimicking stage, so as long as she’s in a cooperative mood (which is basically always) she’ll repeat after us. She is SO on top of it. I’ve never worried for her language skills, because she’s always been solidly babbly and a good communicator. She understands WAY more than I’d expect of a child her age. 

But hearing real words come out of her mouth always thrills my heart ❤️