We Freed Wavy

Yesterday was pretty adorable 😍 

Waverly did a pretty excellent job of messing up her sleeper over supper, and it was decently crusted up in the evening. In an effort to not forget to change it, I stripped her down to her diaper.

She loves hanging around in just her diaper anyway. But this particular time, she wanted to take it one step further, and just yanked and yanked on her diaper. She wanted it off SO BAD. And I figured, what the heck, why not?? Little naked babies running around the house are a right of passage in parenthood! So I let her, and she was pretty enthralled with her newfound freedom. 

It wasn’t long before she seemed to forget, and brought a book to me on the couch. 

“Book? Sit?” she asked. So I heaved her up and she sat next to me, rubbing her bum, while I read her a story 😂

Aaaaand it all ended abruptly when she peed on the couch, and by default, me. She was SO innocent about it, too 😆 Very “Who, me??” Luckily, her blanket was right with us, and I sat her on it quickly, to soak up the worst of it. Meanwhile, Brady and the kids scrambled for paper towel and Lysol wipes. It was over in moments. We all just laughed at her. I’m thankful for our leather couch and the ease at which it cleans! 

We diapered Wavy right after, as you can imagine, and decided to watch some music videos with the kids before bed to get their sillies out. Wavy couldn’t get enough…

Of her own bum, that is! We’re going to have to keep an eye on this one…