Wavy’s Oranges

Christmas oranges were a real win this season. Some Decembers, I find I can only get old, dry oranges, but this year, the juicy ones were flowing! There was no cap on oranges. We just went for it. And they were SO good.

Now, Christmas oranges have run their course, and we are out. We do, however, still have some big navel oranges on the counter that were purchased specifically to add to our sangria, as if it needed any help. They were a welcomed edition, but there were definitely a good chunk left.

Real talk. I really haven’t liked oranges. Like, I do, but I hate the fuss that goes into them. They don’t peel nice, and they have way too much white stuff on them, and I just never have liked them enough to actually buy them. If my mom cuts them up for me, hahaha, I’ll absolutely eat them, happily!! I like them when I’m not the one doing the work. Thats a cringy thing to say, but, honesty always wins. Good thing this isn’t actually an important thing to feel strongly about…

This summer, at the lake, a friend cracked an orange for a kid, but before she started peeling it, she kind of beat it up a little. Pounded and rolled it on the picnic table a handful of times. She must’ve seen me staring and explained it helps the orange let go of the peel a bit better.

I’m embarrassed to admit that was the first time I had heard that, and that this Christmas was the first time I tried it. And guys, it makes so much of a difference. For someone who is pretty no-fuss with food, I am a lot happier to hack up oranges now!

Today, Wavy ate the last orange in the house. She does a good job at getting the actual orange off the peel. Better than I ever did as a kid. As in I remember being bad at eating oranges, so I was clearly older than she is now. But she took good bites and got a lot closer to the peel. At one point, I picked up one of her orange rejects and noticed there was still a chunk on it. I picked it up and bent it the tiniest bit, and the orange just lifted off. So I showed her, and she was SO excited to get more orange!

Aaaaand I was really happy that all of the orange was getting eaten, not just the juice. Though that juicy face is a pretty sweet one, if you ask me!

This may be complete common knowledge but it made a difference for me! We have loved this big ole box of oranges.

We have also loved the sangria that accompanied the oranges…