What a Night!

Dekker tossed and turned and cried on and off until about 1am. He was so upset 🙁 I was wide awake, just wanting him to be sleeping. When he would fall asleep, I would check the time and calculate how many hours he would get if he stayed asleep. We had plans to wake him up for church at a decent time in the morning. But then, twenty minutes later, he’d wake up and bawl, thump around, and fall back to sleep, and I’d recalculate again. I found myself awake and completely worked up at 2:30am before I woke Brady with my crying. I was so anxious! He listened to me rant irrationally and then took a pee break to wake himself up a bit, and watched some Netflix with me until I dozed off finally. He also decided for us that we would miss church. I knew it was the right answer but I love going to my siblings church and seeing where Caitlin works. But we had to make the decision that fit our family. So it really was a rough night. Dekker was awake and crashing around in his playpen around 7:30am. At our house, he wakes up earlyish and jumps around his crib a bit before he falls back to sleep. I assume he was doing the same thing but its so much louder in his playpen. However, I knew the rest of the house was waking up for church around that time, so we let him jump around and he did go back to sleep until we got up, after 10am.

His morning was quite rough, unfortunately. We were getting ready to go have lunch with some family, and Dekker was just a reck as soon as he got up. It was frustrating and we couldn’t figure out why he was still so upset. But we did notice his finger chewing is at an all time high. I risked losing my pinky fingers and checked the back of his gums while he wailed, and those two year molars are definitely coming!

We arrived at my cousins apartment. It was full of people and Dekker was a bit overwhelmed when we got there. But he had lunch of cinnamon bun, fruit salad, and roasted potatoes before my Aunt showed him the toys she had brought for him. He was sooo happy after that! Such a little show off 🙂 I was so proud.

He did better through the rest of the day. I’m not going to lie. He was on painkillers most of the day, but he clearly needed them. When theyw ere all set in, he had two solid naps and lots of playtime. He spent the hour before bedtime being tickled by Aunty Caity, racing around in his diaper, laughing and dancing in front of the mirror, and moving toys from place to place through the house. He stayed up a little later than usual, just because we were all relieved to finally see him playing happily, and at peace.

He didn’t fight bedtime at all. He has been quiet pretty much since we put him down a couple of hours ago, and we even fixed the playpen to not make so much noise during his morning work out.

Here’s hoping for a solid night of uninterrupted sleep before a fully day of beck building! Pray against the 50cm of rain please!!!