What I Want for MY 90th Birthday

As Hailey, Brady and the kids travel back from their jam-packed weekend of forest fun, I, (Cher) offered to write another blog for Hailey. She has been very busy lately, so it’s a good excuse for me to dodge studying and do something I actually want to.

I’m kind of a dreamer, but I don’t really get my hopes up too high. Life has thrown me a few curveballs and it has helped me stay grounded when it comes to future expectations. However, today I wanted to write about my hypothetical birthday list for my 90th birthday.

Some of you may have read the GENEROUS, but very loving and kind blog that Hailey had written for my 30th birthday last month. Hitting 30 was a huge milestone for me. I have wanted to be thirty for a very long time. I am so thrilled to be in this decade and out of my twenties. I know most people feel old or whatever, but I feel like I finally have some brain cells worth using, and I’ll be taken more seriously. Maybe that’s just a myth. Oh well, I choose to believe it.

Fun fact about me by association: All my grandparents live in heaven.. BUT, my mom had a husband before my dad. He passed away from cancer in his 20’s. His name was David and he was adopted. His parents were from Dalmeny and attended the Dalmeny Bible Church. Today, one of those parent’s is still alive. She will be 103 this december. I call her grandma, and she calls me grand-daughter. She is such an inspiring, feisty lady.

So today I am inspired by age, and I wanted to share what I think I would want for my 90th birthday, given I make it 60 more years without a new plague harshing my vibe.

  1. Probably marbles. I think that’s a prerequisite for aging.
  2. A new perm.
  3. Vintage Starbucks mug from 2020.
  4. Socks with pockets so I can hide beige candy.
  5. T-shirt that says “89 and holding”
  6. To have regular visitors who come because they want to, and not because they feel bad for me and my wrinkly self.
  7. To know that I never gave up putting into the relationships that have helped keep me above water during the hardest times in my life.
  8. To remember the sound of my brother’s voice.
  9. Jenna Marbles to be back on youtube with a microwaving show, because no one will cook anymore. Especially not at my age.
  10. An inner peace about my dad who struggled his whole life to stay sober, and remember the good times.
  11. A new kitten. I would name him Ron Swanson, and he would be a jerk.
  12. No more teenage boy bands.
  13. To still be best friends with Hailey and live in the same senior home. And if we forget who we are because we are so old, we will be like “50 First Roommates”. We will be the cutest.
  14. To have raised a really kind, gentle, loving family who makes life better for others.
  15. I wanna be 2 inches taller than I am now.