Where Were We?

This time last year was MASSIVE! I posted about it the day after it all went down, but today was the day.

Exactly one year ago, on November 30, 2015, we sold our house. While we were more than ready to get out of there, that house was a lovely home for us. It had lots of room, an open concept, a big finished basement, and the price of living there sure didn’t hurt. If it were in another location, we likely would have lasted in that house quite a bit longer.

But when it sold, we were THRILLED! It meant we could move on to the next thing! At the time, we had no idea that the next immediate thing would be quite so stressful – finding a rental, while trying to start our build, and actually moving. Basically, one year ago, the papers were signed, the sold sign went up, and we enjoyed a supper of apricot chicken with our realtors. It was pretty awesome.

Its been a pretty crazy year since then, and while not every part of it was blissful, I couldn’t be happier to be exactly where we are. If you’ve talked to me about our house, I’m positive you’ve heard me say what I’m about to say. I go back and forth between being in complete awe of our house and home and that its ours. This incredible place is ALL OURS. But on another hand, even the moment we officially owned it, it felt very normal, and natural, and comfortable. Because we’ve been here in our hearts for so very long, and it is exactly perfect for us. I am so happy to be living here.

Recently, I saw that our old house was up for sale again. I’ll be honest. My initial reaction was to kind of laugh, and throw a “good luck” in her direction. Houses don’t sell quick out there, and I had a bit of a “good riddance” feeling when it did finally happen. Even though I know how blessed we were to have such a beautiful roof over our heads for those many years.

I am SO thrilled that she bought our house one year ago, and I hope she can find the same relief and joy in someone buying it from her very, very soon. I’m rooting for her to have a cozy Christmas there, and an easy sale shortly thereafter 🙂