
I woke up this morning with a sore throat and a half-plugged nose. Yuck.

Remember how I said I love fall? Well, I love the pumpkin spice lattes, the chunky sweaters, and the breeze. I DO NOT love the segue into winter.

Last night, I mentioned to Brady that my throat was a little scratchy, and we got to talking about colds and sickness. I get colds pretty often, a few good ones a year. Brady usually gets one. However, Dekker probably got three or four colds in his first six months, and so did we. However, we’ve all been sickness free for about a half a year (minus that one time we ate spoiled yogurt *shudders*)! I guess it’s only fair then. I mean, I’m due for a cold. But no, it isn’t fair!! Because of course my boys will get sick too. Brady will recover in two days, because he always does. Dekker will take a little longer but he’ll sleep it off, as he does with everything else. And then me. I’ll carry the dang thing for at least a solid week. Or one scenario we’ve seen a few times is I’ll get sick, and as its starting to fade, the boys pick it up, and then I actually re-catch it!!! I know I sound selfish and pouty, but just let me be a suck for a few minutes, ok?

I think Dekker and I will both be babies today. If anyone wants to bring us coffee or soup or cookies or love or all of the above, we’re here all day. Whining, probably.