Great Day #2

Today was pretty much just as fun as yesterday. Dekker was so excited to see the boys in the morning, boding well for the day. We had a fairly haphazard breakfast but everyone ate anyway. In the afternoon I whipped up my honey chicken and then we went downstairs and watched Wall-E with the kids. It was nice and quiet and all four boys sat and watched pretty well. Dekker went down for a nap later on, which he was pretty sad about, but he fell asleep within minutes and slept a good couple of hours. When he woke up, everyone decided to go for a walk. However, Laela was right at the point of needing to eat so she and I decided to hang back. However, a few minutes after they left I gave up on sulking, put a soother in Laelas mouth, and bundled us up so we wouldn’t miss out. We walked a couple of blocked until the boys tuckered out and the wind got cold, but it was really nice getting out.
For some ridiculous reason, my chicken didn’t cook 🙁 I was using a crock pot that wasn’t mine and maybe I did something wrong, but after 4 hours on high, the chicken was raw. I was so discouraged. But I just went to everyone, fessed up, we laughed about it and ordered in from the Red Bull. It was delicious and no one seemed disappointed. When all the kids went down, we had another one of our long visits in the living room before calling it a night around midnight. I really enjoyed sharing some of my struggles and feelings about Laelas delivery with Char. (Thanks for listening!!) She was so encouraging and let me sort of have my say. Sometimes it’s nice to share to fresh ears. I feel more confident in my current state and my decision to seek counselling. It was a great evening 🙂
Until Dan and Char went downstairs. We had forgotten about the chicken. After the supper time fiasco, I had just decided to let it cook at its own pace and we’d just eat it tomorrow or freeze it. And now, after forgetting about it, it is horribly burnt and smells terrible. It’s somewhat frustrating, as that is like six or seven huge chicken breasts gone to waste, but it’s done and everyone ate and I’m over it.
Time for bed. Laela is restless this evening. Hopefully she has mercy.

mama jeanne

Thanks for not saying it’s my crockpot…oops 🙂 We’ll have to look into that. It’s a pretty new crockpot…hmmmmmm. Anyway, I’ll give you a call when I get back from Aquafit. LOve ya Hailey. Sorry about the chilcken.