6 of 6: Attitude

Dekker is the most content little boy I’ve ever met.

Of course he can be hyper and hilarious, but I feel like his spirit is content. He’s just not in a rush to really do anything too big or exciting. Some people may think I’m making excuses but I’m not. He didn’t roll early because he didn’t want to. He was always strong enough, I know that 100% confidently. Same with sitting. Same with crawling. Same with pulling himself up. He can do all those things now, but he’s just not too concerned.

The other day at my parents house, he was playing with  few toys on the floor in the living room. Deks has just started crawling in the last week or two and doesn’t care for it much, and we’re trying to encourage it. Not force him at all, but just get him more comfortable with it. So my mom had a toy she was trying to convince him to come for. A microphone that makes echo sounds when you talk into it. He loves that toy. So he looked at her, making sound into his microphone, thought about it, and opted for a toy closer to him. He’s just very happy where he is. I love this aspect of his personality.

Another side of him is very cuddly. Not always, but if he’s very tired and past the fussy stage, or if someone new is around and he wants to figure them out from a distance first, or if he’s feeling sick. And lots of other times, those are just the obvious ones. But one of the times that amazes me is how cuddly he can be when he’s in trouble. This has not happened very much, as he’s still so little. One lesson we’re working very hard to teach Dekker is to be gentle with faces. He will slap and scratch at eyes especially, yank off glasses, and the like. He does this when he’s excited, but the the most when he’s tired. However, sometimes he just does it out of the blue, and will persist and keep trying to “get” your eyes. We’ve corrected him consistently for a good while now and you can tell he knows he’s not supposed to hit faces at all. Once in a while, you see the temptation, and then he puts his hand down. Which is great! But honestly, nine times out of ten he still goes for the eyes. So the other day, we corrected him and he cried and cried, and when we picked him back up he scratched at Brady’s eyes like crazy. We didn’t really know what to do, so we put him on the floor across the room from us and from his toys. Well it just hit the fan, didn’t it. He wailed like crazy!  And while he cried, he slow-crawled back to us, crawled half into my lap, and lay his lead down, bawling. It was very surprising to me. You would think in that scenario you’d just be pissed and not want to be near each other. I thought kids got mad at their parents when they were punished! But he just wanted to be soft and warm and safe again. Sigh. So the difficult discipline journey begins. Don’t want to talk about that too much today. Happy post!

A side of Dekker’s personality that makes me nervous and excited is the part that is sooo obviously growing up! He chats like crazy! When he is in a comfortable environment, he just talks and talks! Yesterday I saw him pick up a book and read it! Out loud!  He’s growing up surprisingly fast, it blows my mind!

I’m not sure what pictures to attach today, of my son being cuddly, squishy, mature, and chatty. But he is those things, and a lot more! I’ll just go with the ones that most obviously says “content” to me. I may have used it before.

Now don’t forget, with this being the last post of the series, that means TOMORROW DEKKER TURNS ONE! One looooong birth story coming up! I can’t believe that was a year ago already! Yikes! Oh boy, not getting into that today!