Another one down

Another day working on the deck down and I’m pretty confident there is only one more to go! We got the railings almost all set up, we just have to put up 26 more pickets/spindles/whatevers and we’re pretty much there! Well, I guess technically we still need a railing by the steps but that will be quick. I’m sooo happy to be as far as we are!

I’m so happy I have a son who sleeps like its always nighttime so I’ve actually been able to get out there with Brady and help. I’m so thankful for the tan on my back that makes me look like a roofer or framer. I’m so thankful for sweet, crunchy BC cherries in our fridge, and even more thankful that they were a gift from a lovely friend. You know who you are. I’m so happy to have a husband that doesn’t find my presence in his work area a nuisance, who says he’s happy to have my help without me having to ask. I’m so happy that some of my ideas made the build go faster. I’m thankful that the breeze kept the horseflies away. I’m thankful for my beautiful soaker tub that makes me feel like royalty every single evening, and the new awesome series on Netflix that I will watch while soaking in aforementioned bubble bath.

I’m thankful to have grown up in a family where we all went around the table and said what we were thankful for.