Dekkers first haircut!

Today was a VERY big day for us! Dekker had his very first haircut! And I didn’t even cry!



We were in there for literally ten minutes, and luckily my hair girl has kids and has lots of experience, so she worked at warp speed and danced around him as he turned his head to look every which way. His only complaint was with the cover she put on him (like everyone else) so he wouldn’t get covered in hair. But that thing only lasted through half the cut and the boys just got messy. Life.

We tried to take a picture of his finished look in the car but lets just say we couldn’t get anything super flattering.



We had a very specific list to go by today, and we went by it pretty well! We hit up Costco for laundry detergent first, then to La Senza for a new bra, then Dekker’s haircut, and then leg waxing. I love the girl that waxes my legs. She writes down how far along I am every time and remembers little details about my life. I was so excited to be able to tell her we finally know baby is a girl! It was nice to catch up.

After waxing we went to Walmart. We had a very tight list there as well and were diligent to only buy what was on our list. Finally got a good picture of Dekker’s hair!



Way too grown up, I know!

We were apparently a little too diligent to not overbuy in Walmart because we forgot a number of things! Good for us for only looking at the list after packing Dekker back up into the car. Thanks to our pride, we couldn’t bring ourselves to go back in, so being that we were going by anyway, we opted to hit up Superstore for the last few things.

As I mentioned a few posts ago, we’re working on Dekker being a bit more independent in the way of walking on his own in public places. It seems he is much more tolerant to walk on his own when its just him and I. He must know that I can’t handle lifting him for so long anymore. However, Brady is fully able to carry him, and he knows it. So Dekker was very unhappy to walk into Superstore on his own two legs. We persisted though, and he made it from the car to the store. From there, I kind of nudged Brady to grab a basket and just start moving, and it seemed like as soon as his daddy wasn’t an option, Dekker accepted what was happening, reached for my hand all on his own, and we walked! All was going fine until that kid. Sigh. I really didn’t like that kid. He was probably six or seven I’m guessing, and out of nowhere, he basically rushed Dekker, threw his hands in the air, and made a quick, loud, startling sound. Well it was all over. Dekker was so startled and frightened, and while he didn’t immediately start wailing, he was super thrown off and got really aggressive and was off his game. When I tried to get him back under control, he started crying and looking super confused. It was just over. And how could I really discipline him?! The kid scared me too! So we scooped him up, got him a cookie from the bakery counter, and carried him the rest of the way. He deserved a break.

Once back in the car, with every possible grocery item we needed, we headed to pick up a cheque from Bradys work, and then to meet a woman off of a Facebook sale page for a few things. Being that I’ve decided to cloth diaper, I’ve also thought of cloth wiping. Just buying a few packs of washcloths and going that route. However, in all my research I’ve learned that lots of things can double as wipes, or diaper liners, or anything really! Flannel, cotton, whatever! People rip up old shirts and use them! So I found a stack of 15 worn flannel receiving blankets for $2! I picked those up with the intention to chop and serge them into either wipes or liners for extra absorption. Along with the blankets, I spent $5 and bought a great little outfit for baby girl as well. Its 6-12 months, so it will likely be a spring thing (?) but its little jeans, a light brown cable knit sweater, and a gorgeous little floral shirt that is sooo soft! Its very “flower child” and I love it. So $7 got us a grocery bag filled with blankets and burp cloths, and a cute little outfit for our daughter.

That was really our last stop. We headed home and Dekker fell asleep pretty much right before we got home.



He woke up pretty well when we brought him in, so we fed him a good supper and put him to bed.

The last thing on our list was to take a belly picture.



So my belt is sitting a little funny in this picture, but I actually felt super pretty all day, which is a nice feeling. I’ll be 30 weeks in a few days and I feel like I definitely look the part! If you pick up a butternut squash this week, thats roughly the size of our daughter. Lengthwise anyway. Apparently she’s weighing around 3lbs! Not according to a scan, just averages, but still, I like having the comparison.

Thats it for me. Brady and I got out of the tub (we may or may not have had our supper in there) and are now looking for dessert and to finish our show online. Hope everyone else had a nice day out like we did! Feeling worn out but in a really satisfying way.


That haircut is the best; he’s going to be . . . a muscular accountant! :-)) And I can see why you FELT pretty all day… you really are looking pretty. I thought that looking at that picture, b e f o r e I read your comment. Hope Sarah’s Cove is a simply superb time.


He looks super dapper hey? I like him. And thanks for thinking I look pretty 🙂 it was nice to feel it all day. Perfect time to take a belly picture!

mama jeanne

You guys make such lovely babies 🙂 Maybe that’s because you and Brady are so beautiful ….inside and out!