Done and done, and onto bigger things!

I really am thankful for so much help these last few days. I know not everyone cares about hair, especially mine, and they don’t need to, but I still really appreciate the input 🙂

After my last post about coloring my hair, I got a solid amount of blog comments, Facebook comments, and private Facebook messages. Unfortunately for me, they were split pretty well evenly! Lots of people said highlight the heck out of it, some said go dark because my hair is already dark, and a couple said I should do what I really want to do. So yesterday evening, I called a random salon and just asked politely for someone with lots of experience, and figured that would force me to make the decision and stop fricking talking about it!!!

I did what I wanted 🙂


I bleached the crazy out of my hair. And I LOVE it! I know some people said I might look washed out because of my pale skin, and it is totally valid! I’m very, very white. But then while I was looking at Pinterest, I saw some beautiful pictures of women with bright white blonde hair and pale skin. I figure if they can do it, I can at least give it a try. Worst case scenario, I go back to being brown. But I don’t even have to go there 🙂 I’m here, and I’m happy. It was a long process, but I actually really loved the girl I went to, and the other ladies in the salon were so interested in how it would turn out, being that it was such a change. It was pretty exciting. I feel pretty.

While I was doing this, the boys were walking around the mall, having a boy date, which included Booster Juice and Goldfish, and buying me Body Butter.


I love my boys.

After getting my hair done, we hit the walk-in yet again for Dekker’s poor bum. We got a new compound cream for him not long ago but it wasn’t easing Dekkers pain at all. He was getting scared of his diaper changes in the way that he would cry as he brought him to his room. That is not like him. He doesn’t usually fight his changes at all, but he would shake and scream through them. So we went back in today, and my goodness how lucky we were! For probably out third visit in a row, the waiting room was empty! We saw a doctor right away, and one that we’ve seen before and really like. He was super understanding, clearly read up on Dekker’s history before he came into the room, and said that the compound cream we were using was 1:1:1 of yeast cream, anti-bacterial, and cortisone. While he said compound creams are good sometimes, in our case Dekker clearly wasn’t getting enough of the yeast stuff at all. It was just too small amounts of the things he needed. So we nixed it and he gave us a fresh prescription of the yeast cream that has worked in the past. Seriously, everyone, Lakeside Medical has the best doctors. Sometimes the wait times are long, and they are across the city, but they are always good!

We ran a few more errands, including Walmart, where I diligently went to check my blood pressure and found it stupidly low again 🙁 Ticks me off. But maybe that’ll just be the case this trimester. I’m doing my best! We also let Dekker try a milkshake, and he loooved it! Not the best picture, but you can see his chocolate chin.


Speaking of being pregnant, I’m 17 weeks today. This past week I have had the pleasure of feeling my tiny little baby move in my belly. There really is no feeling like it. Its still very early to feel those movements, and I only feel them in the morning or before bed when I’m laying very still, not concentrating on anything else. Then, I feel them. Tiny little kicks. That has definitely been the highlight of the week! As for a current belly shot, here you have it:

IMG_0777Its nice to have a baby.




Nikki Bergman

Gorgeous! I’m excited for you. This post is totally making me want to do something drastic with my boring hair :p