How Rowan Spent Today

I feel like my blogs are becoming slightly broken record-ish, but it still feels necessary to say that, in case you somehow missed it, we’re sick over here. Dekker and Laela have seemed pretty well the last few days, but Brady is brutally sick, I’m not too too bad but I’m fairly dead on my feet, and Rowan has been struggling over the last day or two again. It just. Keeps. Cycling.

Ro woke up around 7:30 this morning, which is EARLY for our family. And instead of his usual gradual wake-up of playing and talking, he was crying. It woke me from a dead sleep, so it took me a second before everything registered, and by the time it did, he was back to sleep. I didn’t think much of it, as I figured he had probably woken up from one thing or another, was still tired, and wanted to go back to sleep. No big deal. Everyone stayed quiet then for quite some time. When it was time to get up, I went upstairs and made Rowan his oatmeal, like always, so it can cool while I change diapers. Laela and Dekker were in good spirits, and even Rowan seemed happy to see everyone. BUT. Rowan was HOT. His face was red, and he was hot to the touch. I checked his temperature right away, and it didn’t register as over. I checked it again, and still, nothing. But I was positive that he was fevering. We’ve questioned this thermometer before, and we think its finicky, so I gave Ro medicine anyway. Sure enough, while he ate his oatmeal, banana, and yogurt, he cooled off and was soon in much better shape. I considered that he also cut a molar a day or two back, and if nothing else, the Tylenol would ease any discomfort he was still experiencing from that.

It was less than an hour after breakfast that he became inconsolable. Just out of nowhere, he started crying and crying. He wouldn’t eat, and he wasn’t fevered again, so I opted for an earlier nap for him. He went down seamlessly, all wrapped up in his blankets, cuddled up warm.

He proceeded to sleep for FIVE HOURS. No word of a lie. The big kids ate lunch, napped, I rested, the kids got back up, we played, Brady came home from work, and Rowan was still sleeping. Now my kids are rockstars at sleeping thru sickness, which I am INCREDIBLY grateful for! But I don’t care who you ask. That is a LONG nap. Finally, Brady went in to get him up, because we want him to sleep at night, and he was laying still, completely wrapped in his blankets, out cold. He needed to get up, though, so Brady got him up and carried him around to wake him up slowly. Once again, he was burning up. The monitor we have in his room tells us the temperature, and his room got down to 19C only!! How can anyone fever in that temperature?! Craziness, I know. So we gave him medicine, and then considering that he hadn’t eaten since breakfast, I sat at the table with him and tried to come up with yummy things for him to eat that would be easy on his belly. I opted for crackers and some applesauce. He ate two applesauce cups but would not touch the crackers. Not one. But that was all we could get into him 🙁 He seemed happy enough, but didn’t want to eat. He just yawned and yawned.

We spent a bit of time watching tv before bed, since none of us had a whole lot to offer the group. Rowan just lay reclined on me and watched. He was so tired and cuddly. Everyone was very comfy and relaxed, and then it was time to go upstairs and tidy toys and get ready for bed. While Brady brushed the kids teeth, I took Rowan into their room for a diaper change and such. First, I checked his temperature and again, it was low. But again, I don’t buy it. He was hot. His tummy was hot, his neck and back were hot, he was fevered. Good to know. In a moment of tickles, I figured I’d take advantage of that wide open mouth and check out that molars progress. And what I found was TWO MORE MOLARS! The kid has cut three molars in the last few days!!! How crazy is that?! No wonder he’s been sad as often as he’s been awake! And no wonder he’s hardly been awake! Poor little monkey. He is just going through it.

He drank most of a bottle and was very ready to be tucked in and put to bed, as are Brady and I. We are tired and cranky. I’m really hoping tomorrow is an amazing day of healing and rest for all of us, and for all of you as well 🙂 As Saturday should be.

Have a good weekend! Stay healthy!