Sleeping Next To a Sickie

Of the whole fam, Brady is definitely feeling the worst. It changes every couple of days, and its currently his turn. Last night was particularly rough, and I thought I’d share the humorous side of it with you guys. And likely, I’m sharing this with Brady, because he has no idea all of the antics that he put me through last night.

I’ll start off by saying that Brady is a top notch bed-sharer. He sticks to his side, we have a good balance with how many blankets we’re each allowed, he rarely talks in his sleep or does anything notable like that. He’s a chill person to share a bed with. But MY GOSH! When this guy is sick, its a whole different story!

Because he’s sick, he’s sleeping much harder when he finally gets there. So in the last little while, with all of the sickness, I’ve become more accustomed to Brady rolling half on top of me, and just staying put. Last night specifically, I wanted to be gentle with him, but he was out cold and could not be lulled. I took it for a while, because he was weirdly jabbing his knee into my back in a way that countered my crazy pelvic pain, haha! But once he shifted and it just plain hurt, I shoved him off. I love you, man, but no way.

Another sick thing that Brady does is snore. And I mean, let’s be real. Who doesn’t snore when they’re sick?? I hold nothing against him AT ALL. But he makes such crazy sounds!! Its less like a predictable snore, and more like a “did I just hear a mouse/the kids are awake/someone drove up to our house/the toilet is running” kind of snore. At least I’m entertained while I’m awake.

I tried to help him out a bit when he woke up shivering. Our room wasn’t any colder than usual, and he couldn’t warm up. He was in and out of sleep, but his shaking wouldn’t stop. His neck was boiling hot, so I took him some meds and tried to help him feel better. He took them, but was SO zonked. I so rarely see him like that. I had so much compassion for him.

Until this last one. He lay in something of a fetal position, but with one cold foot pressed right against my butt. Nice, I know. I shifted away from him, but that foot was persistent!! It just kept coming, haha! As I neared the very edge of the bed, I realized that he was ever so gently (but actually somewhat aggressively) kicking me out of bed. I finally just stopped trying to get away and accepted the foot on my butt. This was ok for about five seconds, when he started flexing and clenching his toes. That was IT! Hahahaha!! In my normal daytime voice, I said “Ok, thats enough Brady, wake up, move over.” He did immediately and asked what was wrong. I told him he was kicking me off the bed, and he apologized and fell back to sleep instantly. I figured that gave me enough clearance to share this story publicly, so there you have it.

Love me still, Brady?? <3