How’s the Little Girlie?

Laela did NOT wake up in a puddle of vomit larger than her body today! In fact, she woke up in no vomit at all!! We’re calling that a success. She was a slow moving, sweaty mess, but she ate a decent breakfast and moved straight to the couch.

Since then, she’s perked up a bit. We read some stories, and I worked at her to keep drinking fluids. Now that both little boys are napping, and Dekker is at school, she is off the couch, playing Lego. Sort of. She’s sitting beside the Lego, anyway, and watching a bit of tv. She is liking the quiet time, as am I.

So I think she is officially on the mend! *knock on wood* That was a quick one! *knocks much much harder on aforementioned wood* Can we pleeeaaase be done being sick now until after Christmas? Dekker’s ear infection treatment is wrapped up, and no one has HFMD anymore. Please, Lord, let this be it!