The Proudest I Have Ever Felt in Ten Seconds

This is a very short story but I can’t not post about it. I am SO proud of Dekker. He made what I considered to be a very grown up decision yesterday, and I really wanted to brag him up a bit, and to have this in our family records so he can look back one day and see how grown up he was at the young age of five.

A couple of days ago, Dekker brought a candy cane home from school. He told me he won it for being SO good at the actions for the song they were learning. He told me everybody won, and said it was so nice that everyone had been so good at it. That alone made me melt 🙂 When does competition kick in? I hope never. I love this innocent perspective stays forever. We put the candy cane on the island and said he could have it later on. He was fine with it.

We all forgot about it until yesterday. He found it after supper, and very politely asked if he could have it as dessert. I thought about it, and hesitated for a second because of the time. It was bedtime in about a half hour. I said to him “Its pretty close to bedtime, so how about I give you a piece of it, and you can finish it up a different day?”

“Its ok if now isn’t a good time, mommy. How about we try again tomorrow?”


I asked “Are you sure?” and he said “Ya, thats fine with me, mommy.” Totally. Happily.

This may seem like a small, insignificant conversation to some, but to me, it shows great maturity! He asked for candy, I agreed, but he could tell I wasn’t 100% sold, so he graciously offered that we could try again later. That is restraint. That is consideration. That is intelligence, and trust that mommy knows best. I was so impressed with him, and now I am anticipating giving him a good chunk of that candy cane when he gets home, because you’d better believe he deserves it! Though I don’t even think he knows that. I don’t think he expects it. I think he just made a good call, and I am SO proud of him.

Great job, Dekker!! Thanks for trusting me, and not being impatient about your treat. Great listing, my dear!!