If Only This Kind of Sunday Happened Every Week!

This is Sunday #2 in a row that Dekker sat relatively quietly through the entire church service. He melted down once or twice in the beginning, but settled in nicely and made it through the whole sermon very respectfully. Go, Dekker, go!!

Here’s a random bit of information for you guys. Before I even start typing, I choose the pictures, if any, that I’m going to add to the post, and I begin to load them onto my WordPress account. Today, I have ten loading. As you may have guessed, almost all of them depict how adorable my kids are. So, beware. Sweet, sweet children are ahead!

We got ready for church this morning in pretty good time. Its so fun to do my makeup in the morning with Dekker sitting on the counter and Laela in her jumper in the doorway.

Danger! Danger!
Danger! Danger!

I have to say, I purchased a new mascara in Edmonton the other weekend that I’ve been playing with. I don’t have much for eyelashes. They’re straight, and short, and just nothing to write home about. This mascara is incredible!!! I love it!


But nothing compared to the amazingness that was my daughters outfit. She looked sharp!


Church was done earlier than usual, so the kids were still in good shape when we left. We headed to my parents house for a lunch of mashed potatoes and roast beef. It was sooo delicious! I am not a picky eater, but roast beef has never been my fave. Thats no knock against anyone at all. I find its just hard to make a roast that is juicy and delicious, even in the crock pot. My mom made todays roast in the oven, and somehow (I don’t know how!) it was the tastiest roast beef I have ever had! So with that, I ate a generous helping of mashed potatoes and was officially overfilled. Worth it.

After lunch, Brady headed into the city for a quick bit of work, Dekker napped, and my dad took a nap as well, so us three ladies spent some time together.



Poor Laela. It doesn’t look it, but she was sooo tired, and not able to sleep well. When she had finally slept for a half hour, Dekker woke up and screamed at the top of his lungs, waking her up. She didn’t have a solid nap until suppertime. We had to wake her to take her home, and she wasn’t too impressed.

Dekker, however, was smashingly handsome. When Brady put his bunnyhug on for the ride home, he immediately put his hands in his pockets, strutted over to my mom, and stood at attention, waiting for her to fawn over him. Which she did, of course. Because he was adorable.


After getting such a reaction, as soon as his coat was on, he rushed into the kitchen and posed again. He is ridiculously beautiful. I just adore this boy.

He's kind of a big deal
He’s kind of a big deal

On our way out of town, we stopped by a friends’ house. She was getting rid of Kcups that she just didn’t care for, and I had dibs on a few. Or so I thought!! I came out of there after a lovely visit with waaay more than I would have ever thought!


And a pie. Ya, I’m not even kidding. Two bags of tea, caramel coffee, cappuccinos, and an apple pie. I definitely did nothing to deserve quite that gift, but I am incredibly thankful! I’m sooo looking forward to putting these drinks and that dessert to good use 🙂 Hellooooo bath time snack!

As if all of this isn’t enough for one post, we got home and the kids were in GREAT spirits! No fight to go to their room to get ready for bed. Lots of giggling and talking. Brady was changing Dekker’s diaper while I was getting Laela undressed on the floor. I pulled her coat off a little too aggressively and accidentally flipped her over onto her tummy. She didn’t fuss, so I figured I’d let her be for a bit, until she got annoyed with it, and then I’d continue on with her diaper and jammies. We don’t put her on her tummy much. She’s so often in a bouncer or jumper of some kind, I’m not one bit concerned about flat spots or core muscles. But today, I am proud to say that she rolled over onto her back for the first time 😀 Go Laela!!! Brady and I jumped around and yayed ourselves hoarse. Dekker just jumped around with us, yelling “woooo!” It was an exciting celebration. Dekker showered Laela in kisses and I just sat and soaked in the joy. It was a solidly good few moments. No tears. No fussing. No dreading the upcoming sleep. Just excitement for Laela.

The end. This is a looong post for a Sunday! I hope everyone else had a really nice day like I did. If not, come over for coffee! I clearly have a lot of it now 😉

mama jeanne

Congrats Laela Baby! You did good 🙂 It was a really lovely day today HAiley! Come again soon. Love ya!