Playing and Ailing and Fridays

Friday is always a good day, because don’t we all love a good weekend? I know I do! Today was an especially good Friday because Brady had to work after having most of this week off, and he has the weekend off, as usual. So we only lost him for one day between some time off. Yay!!

Rowan slept amazingly well this morning, and I actually had to go in and lull him a bit this morning after 9:00am. I wouldn’t normally wake the sleeping baby, but we were headed to Kim’s for the day, and I wanted to actually get on the road! Rowan rubbed his eyes all through breakfast and wouldn’t eat very much, which hasn’t been the case the last few days, as you know. I went with it, fed everyone the best I could, and we got on the road a bit later than expected, as tends to happen. I snagged a couple of coffees on my way out of the city for Kim and I, and drove to her house. Rowan slept for the last chunk of the trip.

We had a really nice time playing at Kim’s house. She made cream of mushroom soup from scratch for she and I, which the kids rather chose hotdogs and veggies. Rowan, again, wouldn’t eat very much at all, and rubbed his eyes thru the entire meal. Kim set up a playpen for us, and I put Ro down right after lunch.

When it was time to leave, Rowan was still out cold, all wrapped up in his blanket. He was very subdued when I woke him, but he handled it well. I figured he’d perk up soon. But rather he slept the last chunk of the drive home again. Weird day for him!

As our evening wore on with our kids, Ro continued to fuss and refuse food. He couldn’t really be comforted. We finally gave him some Tylenol in hopes that he is just super uncomfortable in a way that we don’t recognize, but it hasn’t done much, if anything, up to this point. We wrapped up the day just watching a bit of tv and trying to keep it relaxed, and I enjoyed some really really soft cuddles with Dekker. Of course, from that, I learned how lethargic and toasty he was. Turns out, he is fevering again. My goodness!! What are we all fighting around here?! Kim, I’m so sorry if we brought sickness into your house!! I had no idea they were sick!

Dekker and Laela are already in bed, meds given and little bodies all tucked in. Rowan is having his bottle right now, and is mostly sleeping through it, so I don’t suspect he’ll last long at all. Our kids have always been amazing with sleeping through sicknesses rather than being up all night with them. I hope tonight is the same way for all of our sickies!! It seems like this whole house just needs to rest!

Happy weekend, all!