Updates on the House Build

So I told you guys recently that we are, in fact, building a house!!! I held onto that information for as long as I could, but as soon as we were confident that the build was right around the corner, I had to share!! As things tend to happen, we hit a small road block right after that announcement, and found out that the town we’re building in has a few different procedures than your average city builds. It makes sense that it would be this way, but since we’ve never built a house, and our builder has never built in this particular town, we sort of had to roll with the punches. Either way, our permits have finally been seen by all of the appropriate parties, and we got the news TODAY that everything has been approved!!!!! Barring anything too crazy jumping out of the woodwork, the next step is digging the basement 😀 There can (and will) always be surprises, of course, but I’m hopeful that we will finally start to see some tangible changes in the near future. Eek!!

We’ve had a lovely time this week. Besides my body pain and Brady’s cold and the kids fevers (my gosh, its been a busier week than I remember!) we’ve had a lot of fun perusing home stores and continuing to dream about whats to come. Brady goes back to work tomorrow, so it’ll be sad for that fun to end, but its good. Its been a bit of a slower month for work for him, and part of me always gets nervous when there is a bit of a lull. That being said, his time off this month has been perfect. In the days he’s been home, we’ve planned and accomplished a TON! Plus, we’ve been able to settle in a bit better and just spend some together time when I’ve felt anxious and overwhelmed. Its been perfect. I’m confident that God knows whats going on, and will continue to cover us as needed. He is good.

We finished the day up with Jerilee coming over, buying supper, and watching an episode of the Bachelor together. It was a lovely, relaxed way to wind down. And tomorrow, the kids and I will go hang out with Kim and her kids, which will also be perfect! We always have a great time with them, but specifically, the kids will be sad not to have Brady home tomorrow, so the outing will also be a fabulous distraction!! Wins all around!

Its been a great week 🙂 I have full expectations that it will wrap up beautifully.