Recovery: Day 1

Yesterday was exhausting. I know you guys know that. Yesterday’s post is officially my most read post to date! More popular than Laela’s birth story even. Thanks, guys, for caring so much about my family and our well being. We feel the love.

Dekker slept through the night, which we didn’t expect. We figured he’d wake up once his medication wore off. But we were pleasantly surprised by our little boy. He was chipper and with it and didn’t seem to be in any pain at all!

IMG_4012Yes, his eyes are still completely bloodshot, but see how much straighter they are?! If you look closely, you can see that the whites on the insides of his eyes are red, but only the one outside is red. Those are the parts that were worked on, just FYI.

We gave Dekker a dose of Advil to be safe, and then did his drops. Ya, I wont sugarcoat those things. He hates them. But we sing this cute, little song while we put them in and once the song is over, so are the drops. Its ok. His cry is pretty big but the irritation seems to wear off faster than I thought it would. Once they’re in, he really wants to rub his eyes, which we can’t let him do. So I take a kleenex and ask him to close his eyes, and I give them a good, solid wipe so he feels a bit of relief that way. I’m sure he rubs his eyes when he’s falling asleep and in moments when we’re not with him, but we can only supervise so much.

I know everything only just went down yesterday, but we had a follow up appointment this morning with Dr. Rubab. It was nice and quick, and Dekker was very well behaved. We expected more of a fight. He tensed up the second we got to the hospital, and was on edge the whole time, but he was great in the actual appointment. We learned that there is zero sign of infection, which is WONDERFUL! We’ll just keep doing what we’re doing with the drops and eye cream. She said that we won’t have full results for a few weeks, but that his eyes look much better already, which I completely agree with. She also gave us the go-ahead to take a break from patching 🙂 Not a “forever” break necessarily, but we have an appointment with her in four weeks, and she said we’ll reassess the need for patching then. I’m very excited at the idea of not having to patch him anymore, even if its just a temporary change. All in all, the appointment was awesome, and we felt relieved afterwards.

So for the rest of today and tomorrow, we are putting eye drops in Dekkers eyes every two hours. I know, a lot, right? Ya, we feel it too. And then right before bed, we use an ointment instead, since it lasts longer by sort of coating the eyes. We were warned it would likely blur his vision a bit, and he definitely didn’t like it last night, but once a day is ok. We can work with it. I am feeling a lot of relief as I watch him heal. I know its really only our first day of recovery, but I feel good.

Ok, some of that last bit is a lie. I like to be honest with you guys, so don’t think I’m a whiner, ok? I am wiped out. Last night, soaking in my tub, my body shook and shook. I am sick to my stomach, but that was worse yesterday too. I held Dekker in recovery for a good couple of hours, sitting up straight on a hospital bed, and his heavy, sleepy body really pulled my back around. I’m looking forward to seeing Dr. Mike on Friday to get that all put back into place. My eyes ache. Don’t worry. I know its sooo not about me, but I want to be black and white with you guys. I’m sure Brady feels the same way. We are tired.

Thats enough out of me for tonight. How are we liking these early posts? I think I like them a lot more!

Check out my super cool Dekker!

We gotta teach this kid some new funny faces…



Haha,, I was waiting for your post so I’m glad it’s early!!:)
And wow, Thank you Lord! For the good news today!! Love Dekkers sunglasses and his cute face!:) It only gets better from here!! Praying you will get lots more rest tonight and well, just praying for you all!!
Love and hugs!! Mom


Thank you so much for your positivity! I need that, as I tend to be a bit of a downer :s And keep praying for sleep! Deks is in great shape but still a bit irritable, and good long sleeps will help that tremendously!
Love you too!