Why I Love my Doctor

Sooo late!!! I should be sleeping, but we just got home from our small group meeting. No soak in the tub tonight 🙁

I wanted to tell you all about something I’m looking forward to, but I’ll go back a bit first if thats alright.

As I mentioned earlier, this pregnancy has been a much bigger challenge for me. The worst part has been the cramps. Some cramps are very common in early pregnancy with everything growing and stretching in there. But I have been experiencing pretty severe cramping for the last few weeks. I did have an ultrasound at 7 weeks 5 days that showed a beating heart, which would often alleviate a pregnant womans first trimester stress. Mine, however, kept mounting over the next couple of weeks as the cramps got worse and worse. I knew a doctor couldn’t tell me anything just by seeing me in a clinic but my anxiety was starting to take more control of me than I liked, so I finally bit the bullet and headed to a walk-in clinic on a Sunday, hoping for some comfort. The doctor asked if I had experienced any bleeding. I said no and his response was “Ok, if you bleed, its probably just a miscarriage.” Could a person be more insensitive?! I sincerely hope he isn’t a prenatal doctor.

I waited until our appointment last week and completely broke down in tears in front of my doctor. I was scared about all the cramping, and I wasn’t sleeping well, and even though I know the baby is growing and we’d seen a heartbeat, I was just so nervous and couldn’t shake it. She was sooo compassionate, and right away said she’d listen for a heartbeat that day, and if it was just too early to hear it on the doppler, that she would happily schedule me an “emergency ultrasound” just to help me curb my anxiety. She also said that a lack of sleep makes everything worse, more painful, and much scarier. So she asked me to take two Diclectin before bed. They’re usually used to curb naseau but they have a great drowsy side effect so they’re useful that way too.

Again, as I mentioned in yesterdays post, we got a solid heartbeat of 179 beats per minute. My doctor still said that I should go home and think about it for a few days, and if I needed an ultrasound still, that was fine. But I felt great! A ton of bricks were lifted off my shoulders, and I slept like a log that night. Unfortunately, it would appear that a few bricks were still lagging behind somehow, and for the last few nights, I have slept poorly again. When I wake up to use the bathroom in the night, I can’t turn my mind off, and I either sleep very lightly until I give up and get up, or I just toss and turn. Its exhausting and I hate it. I came to the conclusion that if my doctor was aware of how I was feeling, she would book me the ultrasound.

So this morning I called the clinic and tried to explain the situation to the somewhat rushed and uninterested receptionist. She took my message at warp speed and hung up. I felt kind of frustrated with her, but I knew that if the messaged reached my doctor, it would get the attention it needed. A couple of hours later I received my call with my ultrasound date. Tomorrow 🙂 Morning.

While sometimes its easy to complain about our health care system and providers, I feel so thankful for these people that jump through hoops to help me feel at ease. We are truly blessed!

Looking forward to tomorrow.